
2008 Sees Fifth Largest Ozone Hole

The ozone hole over Antarctica, which fluctuates in response to temperature and sunlight, grew to the size of North America in a one-day maximum in September that was the fifth largest on record, since NOAA satellite records began in 1979. NOAA scientists, who have monitored the ozone layer since 1962, have determined that this year's ozone hole has passed its seasonal peak for 2008. more...

1 comment:

Qiqi Liang said...

1. The change of size of the ozone hole over Antarctica can be ditected by comparing satellite photos in different dates.
2. People are paying attation about the damage of ozone.
3. In our field, photogramistry is a very interesting subject not only in getting the photos from aircraft or from satellites, but also in the demostration of the analysis for each photo.